Wood Chips & Pellets
Wood chips and pellets aren’t new materials, but woodyard modernization can dramatically change the economics of processing them. For example, Wolf Point’s parent company, NAFCO, recently helped a global forest products company slash millions from its lifting and erection costs by utilizing a new tube-gallery conveyor design.
For decades, NAFCO has been designing, detailing and fabricating equipment to process and move wood products, including radial log cranes, log crane drives, drum debunkers and round wood-to-chip equipment. Contact us for details of sample projects, including installations for many of the largest paper manufacturers in the U.S.

Wolf Point Engineers & Contractors was awarded a contract by The Price Companies, Inc., to furnish wood chip and bark conveyor handling systems for the expansion of KapStone Paper and Packaging Corporation’s pulp and paper mill in Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina.

Wolf Point engineered and supplied chip transfer conveyors, a stacker feed conveyor, transfer towers, bark transfer conveyors, chip reclaim conveyors, a hogged bark hog tower, a hogged bark conveyor, a fine hog tower, a boiler fuel bark conveyor and a magnet support tower.