Sooner Generating Station
Conveyors 10 & 11 Replacement Project
Wolf Point Engineers & Contractors, a Division of NAFCO, in 2020 completed substantial completion of the Conveyors 10 & 11 Replacement Project at the Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company Sooner Generating Station near Red Rock, Oklahoma.
The contract was awarded to Wolf Point/NAFCO in February 2019. The project consisted of replacing the aging walk-through galleries, support structures and over-2,100-foot-long, 36-inch-wide 740 TPH plant-feed conveyors 10 and 11 with completely new conveyors, 12.5-foot-diameter tubular galleries, chutes and new foundations. Wolf Point’s scope of work included engineering, procurement, fabrication, demolition and installation.
The tubular galleries contain two 36-inch-wide conveyors with a maintenance walkway between them. Fabrication was done at NAFCO’s Cullman, Alabama, fabrication facility. The tubular galleries were fabricated and shipped in 40-foot sections. Shop assembly to the greatest extent possible included the installation of conveyor stringers, idlers and walkway, explosion venting, louvers, as well as some of the piping systems.
Wolf Point also provided deep foundations, chutework, electrical systems, dust control, gallery ventilation, wash-down and fire protection and explosion venting systems.
Sooner Station is an operating power plant. The project was scheduled around a planned outage beginning in February 2020. Demolition of the existing conveyors and installation of the new conveyors and tubular galleries occurred during the ten-week outage.
The conveyor system handles Powder River Basin (PRB) sub-bituminous coal.