Specialized Equipment
Besides designing and supplying parts for its own projects, Wolf Point Engineers & Contractors provides specialized equipment for any bulk material handling system. Each item is custom built and can be delivered and installed quickly to minimize downtime and maintain peak performance.
Cascading conveyors
Decline/downhill conveyors with regenerative braking
Drag-chain conveyors
Flight conveyors
High-angle/pocket-belt conveyors
Horizontal-curve conveyors
Overland conveyors with multiple drives
Pipe conveyors
Portable conveyors
Reversing conveyors
Shuttle conveyors
Bucket elevators
Rapid-rail continuous bottom-dump unloaders
Rotary railcar dumpers
Continuous ship unloaders
Gypsum barge loaders
Railcar-loading dusthoods
Rotary railcar unloaders
Ship loaders
Low-profile railcar unloaders
Barge loaders
Barge unloaders (continuous or slewing)
Bridge reclaimers
Bucket-wheel stackers/reclaimers
Circular stackers/reclaimers
Fixed stackers
Linear–travelling stackers
Portal reclaimers
Radial stackers
Semi-portal reclaimers
Twin-boom scraper reclaimers
Twin-boom stackers
Apron feeders
Belt feeders
Rotary plow feeders
Vibrating feeders
Screw feeders
Trippers/belt plows
Fixed trippers
Travelling trippers
Travelling belt plows

Fixed-belt plows
Processing equipment
Diverter gates
Pin gates
Proportioning gates
Rod gates
Silo reclaim gates
Slide gates
For more information, please call 312.508.5550.

The Gibson Generating Station, in Owensville, Indiana, features rail unloading, conveying, stacking, reclaiming equipment for a handling limestone and gypsum.

The limestone and gypsum material handling system at the Miami Fort Station, in North Bend, Ohio, features barge loaders and unloaders, conveyors, stackers, reclaimers, hoppers, belt feeders and day bins.

The Mill Creek facility, in Mill Creek, Oklahoma, features rail and truck loading equipment for two mill silica flour grinding systems.

The Mitchell Power Plant, in Moundsville, West Virginia, features a rotary clamshell bucket crane, vibratory feeders, a rotary plow feeder, a traveling portal scraper reclaimer, a barge loadout shuttle conveyor and other equipment for handling limestone and gypsum.