Bulk Material Handling
About Us
Industrial Projects
Owner: Agrium Inc. Project: Storage and surge bins Location: Vanscoy Potash Mine, Saskatchewan, Canada
Owner: Black Mountain Sand Project: Frac Sand Handling Systems Location: Kermit, Texas
Owner: CPS Energy Project: Coal-handling system Location: San Antonio, Texas
Owner: Cliffs Natural Resources Project: Iron-ore-handling system Location: Bloom Lake Iron Ore Mine, Quebec, Canada
Owner: Cliffs Natural Resources Project: Coal-handling system Location: Oak Grove, Alabama
Owner: Kentucky Utilities Project: Ghent Power Station Location: Ghent, Kentucky
Owner: Ohio Valley Coal Company Project: Coal Preparation Plant Location: Marshall County, West Virginia
Owner: ORASCOM E&C USA, Inc. Project: Urea Storage and Handling System Location: Wever, Iowa
Owner: Oxbow Calcining LLC Project: Pet-Coke-Handling System Location: Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Owner: Oxbow Calcining LLC Project: Calcined Coke Screening, Crushing, Storage and Rail Loading System Location: Enid, Oklahoma
Owner: Public Service Company of New Hampshire Project: Limestone-handling system Location: Bowe, New Hampshire
Owner: Southern Company Project: Limestone-handling system Location: Carrolton, Georgia
Owner: Teck Resources Project: Preparation plant and loadout facility Location: Elkview Coal Preparation Plant, British Columbia, Canada
Owner: TransAlta USA Project: Coal Preparation Plant Location: Centralia, Washington
Owner: We Energies Project: Coal-handling system Location: Oak Creek, Wisconsin