Aggregate, borax, copper, dolomite, gold, iron, limestone, lithium, magnesium, phosphate, potash, salt, soda ash and sulfate. Wolf Point designs and constructs systems that convey, crush, pipe, screen, stack and separate an almost limitless variety of minerals for quarries, mines, processing plants and manufacturers.
In addition, Wolf Point’s parent company, NAFCO, is renowned for its sophisticated heavy platework, chutes and industrial ductwork, as well as storage and surge bins more than 30 feet tall with capacities of over 300 tons.
Click here for a summary of a potash project in Canada.
In 2013, Wolf Point’s parent company, NAFCO, was contracted to fabricate three bins for Agrium’s Potash Mine in Vanscoy, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Together, the bins have capacity for more than 500 tons of material.